One2Treat's team

At One2Treat, we combine multiple criteria into a single primary analysis to provide a holistic view of treatment effect.
Marc Buyse, Founder
Marc Buyse is a leading figure in clinical research, renowned for founding IDDI and CluePoints. With decades of academic experience, he has spearheaded innovative methodologies for personalized medicine, meta-analysis, and surrogate endpoints. Marc's expertise in biostatistics has driven advancements in data-driven decision-making and patient-centric trial design. As the founder of One2Treat, he continues to lead innovation in clinical research methodologies and technologies, focusing on SaaS solutions for trial design and analysis while prioritizing patients' needs and clinical relevance at the forefront of every discussion and decision.
Sebastien Coppe, CEO
Sebastien Coppe brings extensive experience in the field of clinical trials and artificial intelligence. Over the course of more than a decade at N-SIDE, he played a pivotal role in leading the company's Life Sciences activities, contributing significantly to its growth from a small start-up to a purpose-driven organization with over 200 employees. With a deep understanding of the biopharma industry's challenges and opportunities, Sebastien made the bold decision to join Marc Buyse in his latest venture, aiming to industrialize his paradigm-shifting solution that enhances treatment decisions. Sebastien is driven by a strong conviction in the potential of innovative digital solutions to meet the overall patients’ needs and accelerate clinical research timelines. He is committed to pioneering approaches that prioritize patient-centricity and enhance biopharma productivity.
Emilie Barré, Senior Trial Design Lead
Emilie Barré offers over 18 years of rich experience in clinical trials, blending her statistical expertise with seasoned project management skills. Throughout her career, including a significant period at BMS, Emilie has developed both the analytical and leadership aspects necessary for success in the field. Emilie's approach centers on creating genuine partnerships with clients, striving to deeply understand and meet their needs. This dedication to client service, combined with her extensive background, enables her to lead projects that deliver meaningful and tailored healthcare solutions.
Mickaël De Backer, Senior Biostatistician, Innovation Lead
Mickaël De Backer, a distinguished biostatistician, ardently pursues innovation and patient-centered methodologies. He specializes in harmonizing industry requirements with patient interests, developing statistically rigorous strategies for clinical environments. Mickaël operates at the crossroad of academia and industry, engaging in numerous collaborations. With a keen emphasis on translating statistical advancements into tangible outcomes, his contributions are pivotal in shaping the future of biostatistics at One2Treat. He cultivates a profound link between data, industry, and patient well-being, imbued with both impact and empathy.
Jean-Christophe Chiêm, Product Manager eClinical Solutions
Jean-Christophe Chiêm earned a master's degree in civil engineering in applied mathematics and gained previous experience in consulting for the industry (Solvay, Bosch). Driven by his desire to make a meaningful contribution to his social values, he pursued a PhD in public health, focusing on simulations of complex healthcare topics. Joining IDDI as a biostatistician in 2015, he developed a passion for a patient-centered approach in clinical trials. Since 2019, he has been teaching statistics at the School of Public Health at ULB. Presently, he coordinates the development of software solutions at One2Treat.
Samuel Salvaggio, Senior Trial Design Lead
Samuel Salvaggio translates clinical outcomes into statistical insights, utilizing his expertise in data analytics and applied biostatistics. His dedication to advancing patient-focused research is evident through his work, including scientific publications and educational efforts. At One2Treat, Samuel's passion fuels innovative research initiatives, while his teaching role at the Université libre de Bruxelles allows him to share his applied biostatistics expertise with medical professionals. This blend of professional activities underscores his commitment to enhancing patient-centric solutions through education and innovative research.
Sarah Kosta, Clinical Trial Solutions Analyst
Sarah Kosta has a background in biophysics and is committed to leveraging technology to enhance clinical trials. Specialized in statistical programming, she offers her expertise to assist customers in defining innovative clinical software solutions. As clinical trial processes are moving toward a patient-centric approach, she focuses on programming solutions that prioritize the needs of both patients and clinical investigators, ensuring they meet the evolving needs of clinical trial submissions. Empowering patients through high-quality and carefully designed technology solutions is her core value to pave the way for more effective treatments and improved patient outcomes.
Hatem Alharazin, Clinical Trial Solutions Analyst
Hatem Alharazin brings diverse skills to clinical trial processes, with his expertise in statistics and data science, and over a decade of professional experience spanning research, statistical analysis, and academic teaching, dedicating to revolutionize clinical trial analysis. At One2Treat, Hatem is committed to harness his proficiency in modern technologies to translate complex clinical data to impactful insights. ensuring that clinical trials are both efficient and patient centric. His generosity standing on a solid ground to prioritize patient needs and safety, through driving innovation in clinical research.

7 COre Values

Purpose driven

We strive for social impact and patient empowerment


We create disruptive solutions at the forefront of applied science


We embrace diversity and value individual strengths

Team intelligence

We collaborate to achieve common goals


We are candid in our communication and manage expectations


We actively support people for positive change


We make clinical decisions as easy as One2Treat

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of net treatment benefit?

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